Mostly in Memories I
Vana-Võromaa Kultuurikoda, 8th of November - 10th of December 2023
Graphic design: Else Mare Lagerspetz
Videographer: Francesco Rosso
Photographer: Diana Ruitlane Rüütli
Thanks to: Värske Rõhk, Mari Škerin, Jana Huul, Francesco Rosso, Kevin Teinfeldt, Maiki tordid
Exhibition was supported by Cultural Endowment of Estonia
The exhibition offers a glimpse into the textile artist's recent creative endeavors, inviting viewers to reflect on the passage of time.
The focal point of this exhibition is the concept of loss - a starting point forever vanished, never to be retrieved, as it takes shape from the very moment of its disappearance. It endures because of that very absence. Such a void remains unfillable, paradoxically giving rise to boundless nostalgia, a longing with an indefinite destination, much in the vein of the French psychoanalyst, philosopher, and structuralist theorist Jacques Lacan's perspective.
At the exhibition, the artist presents a series of embroidered landscapes, each a reflection of places etched solely within the artist's memories. In the creation of these works, the artist draws inspiration from the spatial narratives (récits d'espace) concept of the French historian and philosopher Michel de Certeau, where the realms of landscape and storytelling intertwine. Each narrative serves as a journey, signifying a spatial practice that traverses various locations within the landscape.
Within the exhibition, the artist showcases both new embroideries crafted specifically for this event and older pieces. Of particular significance is the expansive "Sõjaväe linnak," a piece that previously featured in the Latvian Textile Triennale and is now making its debut first time in Estonia.